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Ezekiel Kweku is a writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is an essayist who writes about economics, race, politics, sports, and culture. He has written for Pacific Standard, Vice Sports, The Toast, and Wonkette.

You may also know him as Shrill from Online, where he tweets regularly at @theshrillest, and curates two art Tumblrs: shrill_eflags and Buried Jumpers

You may contact him at

The Deplorable Basket

“…  it certainly should give Democrats pause when they piously condemn the Republican Party’s anti-blackness as “not America” or “out of the mainstream.” It is also illustrative of how racism functions in the political sphere.”

Read it at MTV News

The Unbound Man

“From older Ali, I learned a deeper version of this lesson. I learned how to fight the battles that you know you will lose.”

Read it at MTV News

Is Everything Fine?

“Precedent says a candidate in Donald Trump’s position can’t win. But there has never been a candidate like Donald Trump.”

Read it at MTV News

Obama’s Mistake

“Politics is often defined by irreconcilable differences and inevitable conflict rather than shared values and common interest. This means that the practice of policy and governance is about the pursuit and exercise of power.”

Read it at MTV News

Old Future New York

“If, like Donald Trump, you were 44 in 1990, crime had risen in every decade of your life… If you really want to get an idea of what this era felt like, watch a bunch of ’80s and ’90s science fiction, fantasy, and horror movies. No, really.”

Read it at MTV News

Superpredators and Scapegoats

“It is fair to be angry at the Clintons for their actions, but if we attempt to make them our sacrificial scapegoats, we run the risk of underplaying how deeply the roots of mass incarceration run, and how hard we will have to work to rip them out.”

Read it at MTV News